I have been sooo busy, like a mad hatter. LOL. I have lots to report, also. I haven't been around much lately, sorry. I have had so much going on, my head is spinning. Not good, LOL.
Okay, so lets get down to business. First off, I am back up and running, but in a limited capacity. I had to format the hard drive again, not just restore like I did last time. Hopefully, I got the trojan this time. Watch out for this little bugger, it is malicious. It is a trojan downloader that accesses the internet and downloads malicious software onto your computer. The name of it, BTW, is TrojanDownloader:Win32/Bredolab.B That is where all of my issues have stemmed from lately.
So, I have spent all day today going through and formatting and re-installing most of my programs. I still have to get my PSP program registered before I can use it, but it is installed at least. I apparently have misplaced my Microsoft Office program disk somewhere, but that is small beans right now. At least I have my internet back, I thought I was going to go nuts without it. Shows just how addicted I am to the internet to not be able to live without it for one day, LOL.
In other news, it is official, I am now a CT also for Carolyn of Digi Cyber Scraps and Anna of Delicious Scraps. Woohoo, I am so excited and honored to be working with these ladies. Keep your eyes peeled for some new creations I am working on for them.
Also, Tracy has a gorgeous new kit out in her stores at Stone Accent Studios and Treasures To Scrap, called 'A Kiss is Just a Kiss'. Blogger won't let me upload the previews right now, but I will post them just as soon as I can. But you can go to her blog and check it out, tell her I sent you by the way. (You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get this preview in here.)
Linda of Tirza's Treasures has some new kits out in her store at Scrapping Out Loud. You've got to go check it out.
Anna of Delicious Scraps has a new store, Delicious Scrap Shop, and a new kit called 'Sweetest Love' with a freebie add on, also. You really need to go and check it out. She has put a lot of hard work into it and done a wonderful job. I wish I could upload the previews to show you.
And I have a bunch of Braket Album Pages for Carolyn of Digi Cyber Scraps, but I can't show you those, because the kit has not been released, yet. . . but soon.
I have more CT news for you too. I am so excited, I am bouncing in my seat. LOL. I told you a while back that my daughter had finally given in to the scrapping bug and started creating layouts, also. Well, she has been bitten by the bug and applied for a few CT positions. And, *drum roll please*, she is now a CT for Tracy of Ambowife, also. *Yay* So, we definitely get to work as a team for Tracy.
She is jumping for joy and chomping at the bit for mom to get some of her layouts posted. LOL. I keep trying, but something always manages to get in the way. So, we have decided it would be best all the way around if she had her own blog. A little less confusing and less congestion that way. We will still be working as a team and I will still post some of her layouts here for everyone to see, and her Quick Pages she offers up as freebies, with a link to her blog for download. Then she can have control of her own blog and posting her layouts when she wants to. I think that will be simpler and not doubling my work load. Teehee. I will post a link to her blog as soon as we get it set up and ready. Wish me luck, I am going to need it.
Oh, and just as a reminder, the Winter Convoy is just around the corner. So come back on the 24th with your tennies handy and be ready to snag lots of goodies. I hope to have all of my little extras done by then, here's crossing my fingers that dear little computer doesn't have a stroke on me in the process. Here is a sneak peek of my portion of the Convoy.
(You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get it here.)
I am also working on my portion of the Valentines Convoy, and it is going to be HUGE. I may have to split it up into smaller sections to pass out at different times. AND, I am also working on another kit all my own, no outside influence on this one. I decided I wanted to create my own blog background so that I can get it to look the way I would like it. In order to do so, I need to create the papers and elements to use for it. So, since I need to create a kit, to create my blog background, and blinkie, finally, I decided I would put it together as a scrap kit. So that is 3 kits coming up in the near future from me. I am not sure when it will be available. At this point, I really need to concentrate on some other responsibilities I have been letting slide for way too long. But I will post it as soon as it is finished and uploaded.
I have even more goodies for you, too. Remember I said a while back that I was thinking about doing a few CU items? Well, I very recently learned how to record and edit scripts to make them interactive for other users. I have a couple of them in mind, just need to find the time to sit down and do it. Then, I will offer the first ones up as freebies, also. See, I told you I had a lot going on. LOL.
OKAY, I think that about covers everything. Time for me to take off and crawl into bed and see if I can get some sleep. I pulled two all-nighters in a row Sunday and Monday night. Not good. Sign me up for insomniacs-r-us. ROFLOL. Later guys. TTFN.
1 comment:
I hate doing bows (in addition to QP's and BB's, LOL!!). Any chance you are going to be making a freebie CU bow script in the near future? Also, would your daughter be interested in joining you on my CT?
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